Following the song’s threads: From traditional textiles to new technologies
Lecture by Paola Torres Núñez del Prado
Wednesday November 9th at 6 pm
The lecture will be held in English
This lecture is about the quest of finding correspondences between orders and logics between traditional textile and electronics. Starting from the British mathematician Charles Babbage’s inspiration when designing the “Analytical Engine” in the 1830s that is, the Jacquard loom, which is considered to be the first computer. The use of punched cards created for the Jacquard loom, were subsequently used as main input/output in computers until the 1950’s. The lecture will also deal with traditional patterns used in textiles and modern geometry theories, as well as the role of pattern recognition in Artificial Intelligence.
Paola Torres Núñez del Prado, was born 1979 in Lima, Peru. She studied art in New York at Hunter College and in Stockholm at the Royal Institute of Art. She lives and works in Stockholm.
The lecture is held in conjunction with the exhibition Textile Subtexts, and is included in the admission 50sek.
Image: Shipibo-Style Sonified Textile, Paola Torres Núñez del Prado, 2016