• Map: minimum distance to museums in the Stockholm Region/ The Kitchen Square, photo: Anders Boberg
    Map: minimum distance to museums in the Stockholm Region/ The Kitchen Square, photo: Anders Boberg
9 May 2022–23 May 2022

Cooking Relay at the Kitchen Square

The international research project MAPURBAN & Elin Strand Ruin in collaboration with the preschool STELLA NOVA, VERDANDI, BALDER – a COOKING-RELAY IS TAKING PLACE AT THE KITCHEN SQUARE. During three Mondays in a row at the Centre of Hallonbergen altogether 24 FOOD-DISHES are cooked and served by pre-school teachers, individuals, families and households who all lives in the local area. Parallel: EXHIBITION & WORKSHOPS.

May 9, 16 and 23 (2022) The Kitchen Square will be facilitated for a cooking relay in collaboration with preschool Stella Nova and Verdandi to strengthen their important role as a ’cultural institutions’ in the neighbourhood. The Kitchen Square is an art-architecture project navigating on the border between art, architecture, social sustainability and urban planning. By placing the kitchen’s function and its everyday activities in the centre of Hallonbergen, the aim is to strengthening existing local social networks and make them present in the public space. Moreover, the Kitchen Square highlights the potential of an alternative public space created on the basis of ‘caring premises’. The Kitchen Square invites households of mixed individuals, based on the social networks of Stella Nova and Verdandi: mothers, fathers, children, teenagers, fathers and grandparents, neighbours and friends – to invest time in an act of public co-creation. The Kitchen Square creates an alternative public space based on the citizens existing knowledge aiming to increase the social, cultural and economic resilience in the local neighborhood of Hallonbergen.

The MAPURBAN project is a collaboration between three European cities; Stockholm, Berlin, and London and brings light to differences in access to urban resources. The aim is to share experiences, approaches, methods and knowledge between the three cities.

The project integrates existing data on spatial inequality and urban segregation, and shows how these affect migrant mobility and integration. The project uses interdisciplinary multinational research findings including human geography, spatial planning, architecture, art, urban design and urban sociology, to produce new knowledge that may support a development of strategies and practices counteracting segregation.

MAPURBAN Stockholm is focusing on urban inequalities by mapping and visualizing access to important societal functions. The initiative highlights access to cultural institutions and places identified as important for integration processes and is highlighting the role of architecture and urban design in relation to unequal living conditions.

Måndag 9 maj 15–20
Matlagningsstafett 1: Kökets Torg med Stella Nova.
Utställning: ”Ekosystemtjänster och demokrati” av
Stella Nova.

Måndag 16 maj 15–20
Matlagningsstafett 2: Kökets Torg med Stella Nova.
Utställning: ”Ekosystemsystem tjänster och demokrati”
av Stella Nova.
Syworkshop: Kom och sy tygpåse av återvunna tyger
med Verdandi.

Måndag 23 maj 13.30–18
Matlagningsstafett 3: Kökets Torg med Verdandi.
Utställning: ”Ekosystemtjänster och demokrati” av Stella Nova om förskolans hållbarhetsarbete där barnen har undersökt och kartlagt pollinatörer, bihotell och ekosystemtjänster. Utställningen visas i skyltfönstret på restaurang Piazza Blu.
Syworkshop: Kom och sy tygpåse av återvunnet tyger med Stella Nova.
Textilworkshop med Marabouparken konsthalls “Monsterklubben”: Kom och tryck mönster på tygpåsar (sy på plats eller ta med dig ett plagg att trycka på). Workshopen pågår 13.30–16.00.
Bygga bihotell: Kom och bygg bihotell för Hallonbergens bin med förskolan Stella Nova.
Release VR-film: ”MAPURBAN Stockholm med Kökets Torg” om tillgänglighet till resurser och om att skapa jämlika livsvillkor och hållbara städer.